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Our goal is to connect good people with good food. We advertise sustainable food jobs and training opportunities to help jobseekers and employers find each other.

Roots to Work is a project of Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming.


Bee Connection
Haringey, London

Posted: 29 Jan 2025

Deadline: 14 Mar 2025

Compensation: Volunteer



Job description

From 'housewives' to hotel chefs we're looking for people with expertise in the cuisine of modern day conflict zones/ the Global South, eg Afghanistan, Iran, Palestine, Ethiopia, Eritrean, Chechnya, Sudan etc 

We want to celebrate our countries of origin and humanise people who have experienced displacement. We cook on very basic equipment (no electricity or running water) outdoors. Squirrels may try to steal treats.  We want you to buy food (to be refunded, of course), bring it and cook a simple one pot dish for our half hour lunch. We have around 15 members, and a budget per person.  We hope you will eat with us and participate in the bee keeping activity. We wash up afterwards.

We meet every Thursday morning. We are happy to welcome a new volunteer every week / month.  If it works for you we can also feature you on our website.  


Application information

Please email Katie at for more information.

Please mention Roots to Work when applying for these jobs

About Bee Connection

We provide education about bees (wild and honey bees and run a therapeutic beekeeping group for refugees and asylum seekers.

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