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Roots to Work is a project of Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming.

Growers (multiple positions)

Ewhurst Park
Tadley, Hampshire

Posted: 3 Feb 2025

Deadline: 20 Mar 2025

Compensation: £ 23,800 - £27,000 depending on experience

Paid Full-time Part-time Flexible hours Permanent


Job description

Role: SENIOR AND GENERAL GROWERS (Multiple positions available)

Hours: Full time, part time and casual positions available.

Pay: SENIOR GROWER - £25,000 - £27,000 dependent on experience

        GENERAL GROWER - £23,800 - £25,000 dependent on experience

Start Date: As soon as possible.

Address: Ewhurst Park, Ramsdell, Tadley, Hampshire, RG26 5RG

We are recruiting hardworking GROWERS to join the fruit and veg production team at Ewhurst Park.

The estate:

Ewhurst Park is a 350 hectare rural property that has initiated an estate wide biodiversity and sustainability project. Our goal is to restore land for nature while growing healthy and ethically produced organic food. We aim to inspire people to reconnect with the land, nature, and sources of food through community engagement, organised education and hospitality events.

The farm:

The farm, soon to be in organic conversion, will grow a wide range of fruit, veg, herbs and cut flowers utilising agroecological methods that work with rather than against nature. We will be developing a space that integrates wildlife habitat and cropping areas whilst utilising efficient tools and intensive growing systems to maintain high productivity and a reduced footprint. The site is 4.5 acres, is currently deer fenced and has planning approval for agricultural buildings that will service the space.

This year we will be establishing:

  • Vital infrastructure for the production and distribution of high quality and ethically produced food, including amongst others, an automated irrigation system, covered cropping areas and an efficient wash and pack area.
  • An agroforestry system comprising 15 field blocks divided by perennial fruiting trees and shrubs for both cropping and beneficial wildlife habitat. These field blocks will comprise permanent, raised, no-dig beds (a total annual cropping area of over 1.5 acres). 
  • An orchard.
  • Areas designated solely for wildlife habitat.
  • A forest garden intended as a shared space for medium cropping productivity and wildlife.

Future projects will include the addition of larger covered cropping areas.

About the role:

The GROWER will assist with all aspects of fruit and veg production from seed to harvest. Although we will make use of modern tools and equipment, human scale veg production demands a reasonable level of physical fitness and a willingness to work outdoors in all weather conditions.

About you:

You will have a keen interest and some experience in many of the following areas:

  • Propagation of crops.
  • Bed prep and transplanting.
  • Pruning, training, and general care to maximise plant health and yield.
  • Harvesting.
  • Pest management through soil and crop health, intercropping, netting and beneficial insect introductions.
  • Proficiency with a range of specialist market gardening tools.
  • Irrigation.
  • No-dig or minimal tillage systems.
  • Organic and/or agroecological growing systems.

Above all, you will have a passion for agroecological and regenerative growing and sustainable food production.

What we can offer you:

  • A competitive salary.
  • Opportunity for career growth and development.
  • Access to the country’s top specialists in various areas of food production and nature recovery.
  • Paid education opportunities.
  • Attendance to relevant conferences and events.
  • Access to free/discounted fruit and veg.
  • A supportive and respectful work environment.
  • The chance to be part of developing a farm from the soil up and the opportunity to contribute your own ideas and leave your mark on the project.

Application information

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Please mention Roots to Work when applying for these jobs

About Ewhurst Park

Ewhurst Park is a 350 hectare rural property that has initiated an estate wide biodiversity and sustainability project. Our goal is to restore land for nature while growing healthy and ethically produced organic food. We aim to inspire people to reconnect with the land, nature, and sources of food through community engagement, organised education and hospitality events.

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